Fast Ferries: bilety na prom

Informacje ogólne

Fast Ferries to grecki operator promowy z siedzibą w Pireusie, działający od 1989 roku. Misją firmy jest obsługa połączeń promowych między RafinąPółnocnymi Cykladami i zapewnienie pasażerom wysokiej klasy udogodnień.

Fast Ferries obsługuje połączenia promowe na wyspy Cyklad Północnych - Andros, Tinos, Mykonos, Paros i Naksos. Promy na te wyspy kursują z portu Rafina ponad 3 razy dziennie. W okresie letnim codziennie odbywają się także rejsy z Pireusu na Cyklady.

Flota Fast Ferries składa się z 3 promów tradycyjnych: Fast Ferries Andros, Aikaterini P., Theologos P. oraz szybkiego promu Thunder. Wszystkie promy są wyposażone w udogodnienia dla pasażerów, między innymi sklepy, fotele lotnicze i pokłady do przewozu pojazdów. Promy posiadają specjalnie zaprojektowane powierzchnie i infrastrukturę dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami.

Fast Ferries ma w ofercie szeroki wybór biletów ze specjalnymi zniżkami, między innymi dla studentów, dużych rodzin i wojska. Często dostępne są także oferty specjalne na niektóre z obsługiwanych tras. Zobacz wszystkie zniżki na trasy oferowane przez Fast Ferries i zarezerwuj tanie bilety na prom.

Na Ferryhopper znajdziesz wszystkie połączenia promowe Fast Ferries. Porównaj ceny i zarezerwuj najtańsze bilety na prom!

Limit bagażu

Na pokład możesz zabrać tyle bagażu, ile jesteś w stanie samodzielnie unieść, niezależnie od jego rozmiaru i wagi. Nie obowiązują żadne dodatkowe opłaty za nadbagaż.

Vessel Statki: 5
Destinations Kierunki podróży: 9
Traveler Pasażerowie: 13k

Popularne trasy rejsów

Mykonos - Rafina, Ateny Zarezerwuj
Tinos - Mykonos Zarezerwuj


Osoba dorosła
Taryfa bez zniżek
Dziecko (5-10 lat)
Zniżka dla dzieci w wieku 5-10 lat
Zniżka dla niemowląt
Student (uniwersytet w Grecji)
Zniżka dla studentów greckich uniwersytetów
Osoba z niepełnosprawnością
Zniżka dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami

Promy – Fast Ferries

Theologos P
Typ statku: otwarty pokład Długość: 118m
Maksymalna liczba pasażerów: 1200 Maksymalna liczba pojazdów: 300
Udogodnienia na pokładzie
Na pokładzie dostępne jest Wi-Fi (mogą obowiązywać opłaty) Na promie nie ma restauracji Na promie można kupić przekąski i napoje Promem mogą podróżować zwierzęta
Więcej informacji
Ekaterini P
Typ statku: otwarty pokład Długość: 121m
Maksymalna liczba pasażerów: 1200 Maksymalna liczba pojazdów: 220
Udogodnienia na pokładzie
Na pokładzie dostępne jest Wi-Fi (mogą obowiązywać opłaty) Na promie nie ma restauracji Na promie można kupić przekąski i napoje Promem mogą podróżować zwierzęta
Więcej informacji
Fast Ferries Andros
Typ statku: otwarty pokład Długość: 115m
Maksymalna liczba pasażerów: 1200 Maksymalna liczba pojazdów: 280
Udogodnienia na pokładzie
Na pokładzie dostępne jest Wi-Fi (mogą obowiązywać opłaty) Na promie nie ma restauracji Na promie można kupić przekąski i napoje Promem mogą podróżować zwierzęta
Więcej informacji
Adamantios Korais
Typ statku: otwarty pokład Długość: 100m
Maksymalna liczba pasażerów: 1040 Maksymalna liczba pojazdów: 350
Udogodnienia na pokładzie
Na pokładzie nie jest dostępne Wi-Fi Na promie nie ma restauracji Na promie można kupić przekąski i napoje Promem mogą podróżować zwierzęta
Typ statku: katamaran Długość: 87m
Maksymalna liczba pasażerów: 1100 Maksymalna liczba pojazdów: 215
Udogodnienia na pokładzie
Na pokładzie dostępne jest Wi-Fi (mogą obowiązywać opłaty) Na promie nie ma restauracji Na promie można kupić przekąski i napoje Promem mogą podróżować zwierzęta
Więcej informacji

Regulamin i zasady anulowania



According to E.U. Directive 98/41, it is obligatory, for safety reasons, that a passenger list be issued for every voyage. For this reason the passenger’s name is printed on the ticket. More specifically, the list must contain the following: The passenger’s first and last name, the sex: male/female, the age: adult/child/infant and a telephone number for the exclusive purpose of notifying the passenger in case of delay, cancellation or frustration of the voyage. In addition to the above, persons in need of special care should be reported at the travel agency issuing the tickets. The issue of tickets on board the vessel is prohibited and consequently, in order to avoid unnecessary discomfort, the passengers must duly proceed with the reservations and the issuance of tickets. Children up to 4 years old: the issuance of a ticket with zero cost is obligatory.


According to law 3709/2008 passengers are required to board the vessel half an hour prior to the scheduled time of departure and to bring their vehicles to the waiting area 1 hour prior to the departure.


Tickets must be issued within the deadline which is set on the date of the reservation. The passengers are informed about the deadline by their travel agent. If the ticket is not issued within the deadline, the reservation is automatically cancelled.


Open date tickets are valid for 1 year and such tickets are not accepted for boarding. It is necessary that the initial ticket be replaced with a new ticket before boarding. If, until the date of travel, the fare has been increased, owners of such tickets must pay the difference.


From the date of issue of the ticket until 8 days before the scheduled time of departure: Tickets can be cancelled without cancellation penalties if the whole body of the ticket is returned or they can be converted to open date tickets. From 7 days up until the scheduled time of departure: Tickets can be cancelled with a cancellation penalty of 50% as long as the whole body of the ticket is returned or alternatively, they can be converted to open date tickets. After departure: Tickets cannot be cancelled, cannot be converted to open date, and no change of date is possible. Tickets can only be cancelled by the travel agents by which they were issued; they cannot be cancelled by phone. Persons wishing to cancel a ticket must deliver it to the agency that has issued it.


Passengers and their vehicles can board the vessel without changing their tickets.

CANCELLATION: Tickets for the cancelled voyage are not valid for embarkation and must be changed for the next scheduled departure where there is availability, by replacing the ticket.In case the voyage is delayed or cancelled, passengers are kindly requested to contact the offices of the company in order to be informed about the new time of departure of the vessel.


In case of loss of a ticket, the passenger must buy a new ticket in order to travel. The passenger must then notify the company about the loss in writing stating the date of travel, the itinerary, the number of the lost ticket, the number of the new ticket which is purchased and a photocopy of the latter. If it results from the company’s archives that the lost ticket has not been used within a period of one year after the date of travel, the company shall issue a ticket for this itinerary without any additional fare charge. You can find all the data regarding a lost ticket at the company’s central offices. The statement of loss of ticket shall be submitted to the company’s offices, 10, Skouze str., Piraeus, or it shall be sent by fax to +30 210 4281064 or by e-mail


The company shall make every possible effort to deliver all its scheduled itineraries. However, it reserves the right to make alterations to the above, if this becomes necessary.


We kindly request that the tickets of passengers and vehicles as well as the reduced fare tickets be issued correctly in order to avoid any discomfort. The Purser Officers carry out ticket controls upon boarding and during the voyage. Upon such controls, passengers are required to present their tickets as well as any documents which entitle them to a reduced fare ticket.


The bearer of a standard ticket is entitled to carry on board luggage up to 50 kilograms or up to 1 cubic meter for free. Luggage must be stored in specially designated parts of the vessel according to the crew’s instructions. Luggage must not contain valuables. Valuables can be handed for safekeeping to the Officers in charge.


Our vessels have specially designated areas for the best service of passengers with special needs. For this, prompt reservation is necessary.


Vessels have special areas for the accommodation of pets. For sanitary reasons pets are not allowed in the bars, restaurants and internal areas of the vessel. If they are moving (always accompanied and wearing a leash) they must obligatorily wear a muzzle. Passengers travelling with a pet must always carry with them a recently updated health book of the pet and are responsible for the caretaking, the safety and the hygiene of the pet. The vessel has a special area for the daily hygiene of the pets. Unaccompanied pets shall not be accepted on board.


For safety reasons, all passengers and items which they bring on board may be checked. Persons who refuse to comply shall not be allowed on board and they shall be reported to the local port authorities. Passengers must present to the authorized personnel of the vessel their ticket, passport, identity card or other valid travel documents. The company reserves the right to refuse boarding if the passenger does not carry the required travel documents and if he cannot prove his identity beyond any doubt. After boarding, disembarkation is not permitted without permission of the ship’s officers in charge. In case that a passenger wishes to cancel his trip after having boarded the vessel, he must carry his luggage and, if possible, his vehicle, out of the vessel. If you carry a gun, we kindly request that you declare it upon your embarkation.


Open date tickets are valid for 1 year and such tickets are not accepted for boarding. It is necessary that the initial ticket be replaced with a new ticket before boarding. If, until the date of travel, the fare has been increased, owners of such tickets must pay the difference.

From the date of issue of the ticket until 8 days before the scheduled time of departure: Tickets can be cancelled without cancellation penalties if the whole body of the ticket is returned or they can be converted to open date tickets. From 7 days up until the scheduled time of departure: Tickets can be cancelled with a cancellation penalty of 50% as long as the whole body of the ticket is returned or alternatively, they can be converted to open date tickets. After departure: Tickets cannot be cancelled, cannot be converted to open date, and no change of date is possible. Tickets can only be cancelled by the travel agents by which they were issued; they cannot be cancelled by phone. Persons wishing to cancel a ticket must deliver it to the agency that has issued it.