NLG : Ferries, Billets & Infos

Informations générales

NLG ou Navigazione Libera del Golfo est une compagnie de ferry italienne en service dans le golfe de Naples en Italie. Avec une activité qui s’étend sur près de 80 ans, la compagnie de ferry souhaite pourvoir un service de haute qualité en alliant confort, sécurité et fiabilité.

NLG : Itinéraires & destinations

NLG dessert de nombreux itinéraires vers les îles du golfe de Naples, les îles Tremiti, les îles Pontines et la côte amalfitaine.

Quelques itinéraires de ferry desservis par NLG sont :

La flotte de NLG

NLG dispose d'une flotte moderne de 12 navires, composée d'hydroptères et de catamarans dernier cri. Certains des ferries de NLG sont Ponza Jet, Jumbo Jet, Salerno Jet, Super Jet et Vesuvio Jet.

Offres & réductions avec NLG

La compagnie de ferry NLG propose des réductions spéciales pour différentes catégories de passagers :

  • Résidents permanents des îles
  • Enfants de 2 à 12 ans
  • Enfants en bas âge

Remarque: Les bébés de moins de 2 ans voyagent gratuitement. Toutefois, ils n’ont pas de siège attribué. Un tarif spécial est disponible pour la réservation d’un siège pour un bébé ou un enfant en bas âge.

Sur Ferryhopper, retrouvez toutes les offres de NLG, avec les réductions et les promotions en cours, afin de réserver vos billets de ferry au meilleur prix.

Équipements & installations

Tous les navires de la flotte sont équipés de sièges individuels.

Certains ferries de NLG disposent d’une infrastructure aménagée pour la mobilité des personnes handicapées, avec notamment des sièges adaptés et des salles de bain accessibles. Comme tous les navires ne proposent pas les mêmes services, il est vivement conseillé de prendre contact avec la compagnie avant votre voyage en ferry.

Les animaux de compagnie sont admis à bord des ferries de NLG. Ils ne sont toutefois pas autorisés dans les espaces communs des navires, à l’exception des chiens guides accompagnant une personne aveugle ou malvoyante. Les chiens doivent en outre porter une muselière et tenus en laisse en toutes circonstances.

Les chats et autres animaux domestiques doivent être gardés dans une cage de transport. Sachez qu’il est possible qu’on vous demande de présenter le carnet de santé de votre animal.

Retrouvez sur notre site tous les itinéraires et les horaires des ferries de NLG. Comparez les tarifs de NLG avec ceux des autres compagnies de ferry et réservez en quelques clics vos billets de bateau au meilleur prix.

Franchise bagages

Vous pouvez embarquer gratuitement un sac de 50×30×15 cm et de 5 kg maximum. Pour les sacs supplémentaires ou plus volumineux, vous pouvez acheter une franchise bagages supplémentaire lors de votre réservation sur Ferryhopper.

Vessel 13 navires
Destinations 13 destinations
Traveler 1k ferryhoppeurs·ses

Traversées de ferry populaires

Capri - Amalfi, côte amalfitaine Obtenir des billets
Castellammare di Stabia - Capri Obtenir des billets


Plein tarif sans réduction
Enfant (2 - 12 ans)
Réduction pour les enfants âgés entre 2 et 12 ans
Bébé (0 - 1)
Réduction pour les enfants en bas âge entre 0 et 12 mois

Navires - Nlg

Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 25m
Capacité passagers : 300 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Ponza Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 37m
Capacité passagers : 339 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Capri Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 42m
Capacité passagers : 393 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Ischia Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 42m
Capacité passagers : 394 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Napoli Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 42m
Capacité passagers : 393 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Salerno Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 50m
Capacité passagers : 445 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Sorrento Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 41m
Capacité passagers : 393 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Tremiti Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 48m
Capacité passagers : 450 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Super Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 45m
Capacité passagers : 547 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Vesuvio Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 51m
Capacité passagers : 450 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Le ferry dispose d'un restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Amalfi Jet
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 41m
Capacité passagers : 377 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Plus d'infos
Type de bateau : Pont ouvert Longueur : 25m
Capacité passagers : 300 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Des collations et des boissons sont disponibles à la vente à bord Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés à bord du ferry
Elia Jet
Type de bateau : Catamaran Longueur : 0m
Capacité passagers : 0 Capacité véhicules : 0
Services à bord
Connexion Wi-Fi indisponible à bord Ce bateau ne dispose pas de restaurant à bord Aucune collation ou boisson n'est disponible à la vente à bord Les animaux ne sont pas autorisés à bord du ferry

Conditions générales & Politique d'annulation

Transporting regulation

NAVIGAZIONE LIBERA DEL GOLFO S.r.l., in future reported as the Company , takes responsibility for transporting passengers, their luggage, their motorcars and motorbikes according to following “Regulation for Transport” which conditions are considered to be known and accepted in full by any person holding a ticket issued by the Company. This “Regulation for Transport” is available to everyone at any ticket office or administration office of the Company and on board of each Company’s ship.
Tariffs, Timetables, Destinations and other conditions hereto reported are subject  to change in due time.

1) TICKETS AND TARIFFS – Ticket is personal and cannot be transferred  and it can be only used for the specific indicated destination. Any passenger must keep diligently the ticket to maintain his/her right to travel and he/she is due to exhibit  it ,on request, to any  official agent or company representative.
Any ticket which is damaged or modified will be invalidated. If ticket is not used on the reported date and time it cannot be anymore used and will not be refunded.
Regulation and current  tariffs are available at any Company’s ticket office or on board of  any Company’s ship. Copy for lost or stolen ticket cannot be reissued.

ON LINE TICKETS (view special section)

Children younger than 2 years old will be transported free of charge without right to individual seat; if they want to be individually seated relevant  tariff shall apply. Children from 2 to 12 years old will pay “Children Tariff”. Children older than 12 will pay as adults.
Child age must be communicated before issuing ticket.
Children under 12 must be under supervision of their parents or any adult who has their custody and they are not allowed to walk around the ship alone. The Company cannot be liable for any accident  or damage occurred because of ignorance of above rules.

Ticket price reduction for passengers qualifying for it must be required before issuing of tickets on presentation of relevant documentation.

Special condition for residents on islands
Where applicable, special “resident  tariff” are granted to passengers who can prove their residence status supplying specific documentation. In case travelling passenger cannot prove with appropriate documentation his right to benefit of such special tariff, he will be required to pay the amount of difference to the full tariff increased by 100%  of the total amount.

Checking of tickets on board
The Company reserves right to check passengers’ tickets during course of navigation using designated inspectors or crew members. Passengers travelling without ticket who did not previously informed the Capitan or other crew member will be fined for the amount of full price ticket increased by 100%.

2) RESERVATIONS – Seats reserved by travel agents ( authorized by the Company) in case were not prepaid, will be kept available till 1 hour before departing time. At lapsing of this time window the reservation will be automatically cancelled if tickets have not been purchased.

3) CANCELLATIONS – Passenger can decide to cancel his ticket up to 48 hours before departing time at the ticket office where ticket was purchased on payment of cancellation penalty for an amount of 30%  of ticket price. Cancellation occurring less than 48 hours before departure time will give no right to any refund.

4) PRESCRIPTION – Any right related to travel contract for passengers, luggage and vehicles become prescribed according to terms indicated in art.4.1.8 and 4.3.8 of Regulation Code of Navigation.

Art. 4.1.8
1 Any right related to travel contract for passengers and their  luggage not registered  will be prescribed after 6 months since arrival date to destination or in case of not arrival since scheduled date of arrival.
2 any right related to registered  luggage will be prescribed after one year since collection date of luggage or in case of lost luggage since presumed date of collection.

1 Any right related to transport of things is prescribed after 6 months  since date of recollection of such things or in case of complete loss since date of expected recollection at destination or for transport of special things as indicated on the article 4.5.6

5) INVOICES – Tickets are not valid as invoices. Passenger who requires ticket issued as valid invoice must specifically request for it at the time of purchasing of ticket and must supply his/her personal and fiscal data as per Art.22 of DPR 633 (26/10/72) and following variation.

6) BAGGAGE – Will be considered “Baggage”: Suitcases, Travel bags, Rock sacks and similar containing personal effects carried along on board by passengers.
Passengers are entitled to an allowance of one only free baggage within max dimensions of: 50cmx30cmx15cm and not exceeding maximum weight of 5 Kg.
Any baggage exceeding the allowance will be boarded on payment of prescribed tariff.
Payment of baggage ticket is intended only for transport of it. Loading, offloading, storage and custody during navigation of baggage is under complete responsibility of passenger.
No baggage of any sort can be placed on top of seats or in any other position which might create disturbance or obstruction to other passengers.
Any baggage not containing personal effects of passenger, especially if big sized, will only be loaded on board if   there is enough space available on condition that it will not cause technical problem  or health hazard and will be subject to irrevocable decision of responsible personnel on board.
Passenger who brings on board dangerous materials or illicit  goods , or any substance which can be hazardous for health or not in conformity with any Health regulation will be considered by the Company liable for damages and payment of eventual fines.
Company can be responsible only, within terms of legislation, for valuables given in custody to responsible personnel on board on issuing of regular receipt.
Company cannot be considered liable for loss of valuables, jewels, money or any other object which was left unattended in the car or in any public area on board of ship. Passengers will be in any case responsible to prove value of goods lost or occurred damage to their properties and submit evidence that such loss/damage occurred on board of ship during  the trip.

7) DOGS,CATS AND OTHER PETS – Excluding specific legislation requirements, it is allowed to bring  on board along with passengers  dogs, cats and other small pets  on payment of specific indicated tariff.
Animals are not permitted in public areas reserved to passengers with exclusion of dogs accompanying blind people. All dogs must wear muzzle and be kept on leash. Cats and other small pets shall be kept in cages or baskets under supervision of their owners. Food for them is at owner’s care. All animals travelling along with passengers must carry the following documentation: valid health or veterinary certificate proving that the animal is not affected by any disease. Specifically  dogs must carry certificate of vaccination against rabies. These certificates shall be exhibited on request at time of ticket purchasing or on boarding by responsible crew members.

8) FIREARMS AND DANGEROUS GOODS – It is strictly prohibited to carry on board of ship any knife or firearm, ammunitions, explosives, fuels or any sort of dangerous or health hazardous material.

9) ON BORD REGULATION, ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUBLIC NOTICES – Since boarding time till disembarkation every passenger must follow instructions given by crew members or according to public notices. Specifically all passengers should remain seated during navigation and during docking/ off-docking operations. Passengers must behave at any time in a way to insure safety of navigation. Passengers found carrying arms or causing problems or danger to themselves or to  other passengers because of their physical condition, illness or drunkenness can be refused boarding by the Capitan or responsible crew members and can be taken against them all precautions  as prescribed by law.

10) PASSENGERS OBLIGATIONS – All passengers are liable for any damage which he might have caused directly or by any person ,animal under their surveillance to the ship, its furniture,  its accessories and other passengers, their baggage and crew members or generally to any third party. Passengers are also liable to pay fines, amends and/or expenses which the Company may incur caused by them.

11) MOTORCARS AND VEHICLE TRANSPORTED – Passengers must take personal care , under their own responsibility, of boarding and disembarkation of their vehicles. Once the vehicle is boarded it must be parked with engine and lights switched off, closed windows, doors unlocked. The vehicle must be geared in and have hand breaks on. Car keys should be left inserted . Boots must be kept key-locked.
It is forbidden to board cars delivering any dangerous or health hazardous goods, or goods not permitted by law. It is forbidden to introduce on board any tank containing inflammable products. If vehicle is gas-propelled it must be declared at purchasing of ticket. Omission of such declaration can cause loosing right of admission on board for the vehicle nevertheless holding of valid ticket.
Vehicles will be boarded according to rules and instruction given by the Capitan or other responsible crew members, they will also indicated parking positions. It might be required to offload from vehicles rooftop some off-size loads. Any damage suffered by vehicles during boarding operation or navigation shall be reported to responsible crew  members immediately or at least before arrival.
The Company cannot be considered responsible for problems or damages occurred to the vehicle or to its content. Any damage caused by the vehicle to the ship structure or to a third party will have to be offset before disembarkation. Boarding order is decided by board command.
Tariffs for vehicle transport are inclusive of all boarding and disembarkation taxes. Below are indicated group tariffs:
– I group: up to 4 m
– II group : above 4m
Passengers carrying along vehicles must be ready at boarding point at least half an hour before departure time. Passenger who will not show up in time at boarding place will lose boarding right nevertheless having valid ticket.
If trip is cancelled due to atmospheric adverse condition, the Company will decline any responsibility like for any other reason which is not under its control.

Changes: No refund will be granted in case of change of Date, Time, destination or in case of vehicle category change. If ticket is stolen or lost a new ticket must be purchased.
Company reserves right to change departure times or tariffs without notice

Vehicle Bookings: At purchasing the ticket for vehicle it must be declared size and characteristic of it. For tariff application will be considered full real length (between extremities). In case of omission or fake declaration boarding of vehicle will be rejected.

12) PROHIBITIONS – Passengers are not allowed to carry on their baggage or in their vehicles inflammable or dangerous goods as well goods which are not permitted by law , forbidden by Government rules  or subject to payment of postal tax.
It is also forbidden to bring into common public areas on board of ship any material which can create trouble to other passengers. All passengers must refrain from laying over seats or to open/close windows without permission of crew members.
Passengers not adhering to above rules can be prosecuted by relevant authorities and by Company. Company is entitled to ask for damages or payment of related fines.
Passengers are liable to pay for damages caused to the ship or its furniture.

13) BOARDING – At start of boarding operation any passenger shall exhibit valid ticket or documentation proving his right to benefit  of special tariff to crew  personnel due to control. The name of the ship that will operate the transport, if indicated on the ticket, is merely indicative as another ship could be used, also of another carrier.

14) DESTINATIONS AND DEPARTURE TIMES – Departure and arrival time of ship and its destination can be changed without previous notice for technical reason or act of God. Company reserves right to cancel, change in full or partially  any scheduled trip and as well to cancel departure or call for a different port .
If for technical reason or act of God the itinerary will have to be modified passengers will be disembarked at the new destination and no refund or compensation will be due to them. It is passengers care to ask confirmation of departure time and destination in advance at the relevant ticket office in order to verify before departure time that there is no variation on the scheduled program and ship nomination. In case variation will not suite the passenger , he is entitled to ask to be rebooked on the next available departure serviced by the company or to be refunded in full the ticket. Refund must be done by the same ticket office which had issued the ticket and no other compensation or claim for damage for whatever reason departure was changed or cancelled.

15) LIABILITY – Transport of passengers, their vehicles and their baggage it at their sole risk. The Company declines any liability for damages to people, things and for car or baggage robbery.
Company does not take any liability for extra expenses due to delay or cancellation of departure for technical reason , mechanical breakdowns on its ships or for any other reason beyond its control like outbreaks, adverse atmospheric conditions, strikes, quarantine wars or act of God.
Departure time, tariffs and travelling conditions can be modified without notice.

16) COMPLAINS- ACCIDENT REPORTING – Any complain should be submitted in writing to the company administrative office.
Accidents or damages suffered by people or things must be reported immediately to board officials on the ship where they occurred

17) BOARD NOTICES AND VARIATIONS OF REGULATION AND TARIFFS – Present Regulation will be exposed in public areas on board of ships and outside any ticket office.

18) FURTHER ADDITION VARIATION OF REGULATION SHEET – The Company reserves the right to make addition or changes at any moment in time to the present regulation. All communication related to eventual change or addition will be exposed in ticket offices and Administration offices and as well on board of each ship. Changes and Addition will be effective immediately since date of notice.

19) ARBITRATION – For any dispute rising on interpretation or execution of this Transporting Contract, passengers accept Italian Jurisdiction and the Court of Naples as Forum. Company reserves right to move  the case to any other competent forum in Italy or abroad.
Registered in Naples on the 27/09/2004 at n.101346/3 at “Agenzia Delle Entrate” Ufficio Napoli 1

According to the NLG Terms and Conditions, in case boarding passes have been withdrawn at the ticket office, we cannot proceed with refund requests without a photo of the boarding passes. Please, keep in mind that this is a mandatory proof the ferry company requests and we have to comply with it.